Our services


We provide a wide range of professional services, which are all focused on supporting schools and Local Authorities to improve outcomes for children and young people.
Our services are invariably tailored to the individual needs of the clients we work for, however an overview of the services we provide is captured below.  Please get in touch to discuss how we may be able to help.

Supporting disadvantaged & vulnerable children

With extensive experience of working to support disadvantaged children, Children in Care and Post Looked After Children, we are able to provide:

For schools
  • School assessment services: Reviewing school practices to maximise the impact of interventions.
  • Behaviour support: Through the provision of both creative planning and troubleshooting services as required.
  • Pupil Premium Plus assessment services: Review of agreed interventions and their impact.
  • Policy development and review: Leveraging best practice to improve outcomes.
  • Operational support: Individual casework support.
  • Training: For school senior leaders, designated teachers and Governors.
For Local Authorities
  • Virtual school assessment services: Providing practice assessment and audit service to review, support and challenge current processes with the aim of enhancing service provision.
  • Pupil Premium Plus assessment services: Designed to review the impact of of agreed interventions.
  • Policy development and review: Leveraging best practice to improve outcomes.
  • Training: For school senior leaders, designated teachers, Governors, social workers and carers.

Supporting SEND children

Enabling best practice delivery of Local Authority led SEND responsibilities and providing enhanced support to school based staff:

For schools
  • School practice review: Assessing intent against implementation.
  • Teaching Assistant impact assessment: Providing support to measure and improve impact.
  • Statutory process support: Applying for and reviewing EHCPs to ensure approval at review panel.
  • Operational support: Support for new and existing SENDCOs to develop and implement best practise.  Provision of individual casework support.
  • Quality Assurance: Of school process and practice to improve effectiveness.
  • Policy development and review: Leveraging best practice to improve outcomes.
  • Training: Delivered to SENCOs, parent/carers, Governors and as appropriate whole  school environments to increase awareness of when EHCPs are appropriate and how to make effective use of available resources.
For Local Authorities
  • Early Health & Care Plan (EHCP) Independent Chair services: Providing independent oversight of the panel process and associated meetings.
  • Quality Assurance: Of Local Authority EHC services to improve their effectiveness.
  • Review services: Assessing intent against implementation.
  • Policy development and review: Leveraging best practice to improve outcomes.
  • Training: Delivered to Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs) and Governors to enable them to understand when EHCPs are appropriate and how to make effective use of available resources.

All the education services you need,
all in one place.

In our experience no two requirements are the same and as such we've designed our services to flexibly align to our customer requirements.
On this basis, we'd invite you to get in touch and describe the challenge you're attempting to overcome... we're confident that we'll be able to help 
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Service Charges

Our services are offered on a fixed price basis assessed against the total number of full or half days required to deliver the outcome you're looking to achieve.
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